x, y = 5, 8
print('x + y:', x + y) # Addition
print('x - y:', x - y) # Subtraction
print('x * y:', x * y) # Multiplication
print('x / y:', x / y) # Division
print('x % y:', x % y) # Modular Division
print('x // y:', x // y) # Floor Division
print('x ** y:', x ** y) # Exponentiation
x, y = 5, 8
print('x == y:', x == y) # Equal to
print('x != y:', x != y) # Not Equal to
print('x > y:', x > y) # Greater than
print('x < y:', x < y) # Less than
print('x >= y:', x >= y) # Greater than or Equal to
print('x <= y:', x <= y) # Less than or Equal to
x, y = True, False
print('x and y:', x and y) # And
print('x or y:', x or y) # Or
print('not x:', not x) # Negate
x, y = 5, 8
print('x & y:', x & y) # Bitwise AND
print('x | y:', x | y) # Bitwise OR
print('~y:', ~y) # Bitwise NOT
print('x ^ y:', x ^ y) # Bitwise XOR
print('x << y:', x << y) # Left Shift
print('x >> y:', x >> y) # Right Shift
x, y = [5, 8], [5, 8]
z = x
print('x is y:', x is y)
print('x is z:', x is z)
print('x is not y:', x is not y)
print('x is not z:', x is not z)
x = 'literank'
y = ['literank', 'tutorial', 'article']
print('x in y:', x in y)
print('x not in y:', x not in y)
Code Challenge
[12, 20, 28]
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